AmigaActive (85/2143)

Date:2 May 2000 at 19:06:19
Subject:Someone just please please help!!!


This is just typical, to put it lightly, in fact I am absolutely
seethingly furious.... :////

Imagine the scenario:

Everything you buy is basically broken in some way; that's me.
To give you a brief summary:

* Ateo K/B interface with tower - bust
* Kywalda - no good
* IDE buffered i/f no good
* cables - no good
* Ateo Bus - no good
* cd-rom drive - busted

and now, the pinnacle of what is really, ooooooh, i can't say but I am
EXTREMELY FURIOUS! :C I always buy something and there's something
damn well wrong! It's times like these when i think about throwing
all of my computers out the window and sod*ing the whole lot, Amigas,
Macs, PCs the lot...

This time, boys and girls, my Second Hand Blizzard PPC card is fubar.
Sorry for the language - but I am truly fedup.

Basically, in my A1200T which has an Ateo Bus, KS 3.0, WB 3.0, Pixel 64,
2 hard disks, 2 floppy drives, a cd-rom - the bloomin thing won't work...

My problem: the memory i plug in is not recognised, and the memory is fine
because I have tested it in another A1200 accelerator; a Viper V on
another desktop A1200. It is 60ns type, Fast Page and EDO; good
quality because it is working fine.

I plug it in via the Ateo Bus 150pin edge connector, and all that I get
is no memory; therefore no PPC, but CPU shows there is a 68040 there.
Whooop deeee whooop; a 68040 that can't even perform properly
because of NO fast RAM, and to top it off, I had a faster 68040
before... :///

I try removing the Ateo Bus controller and plug directly to the 150pin
A1200 accelerator slot - no joy :-[=

Expansion Board Diagnostics shows no boards...

I have even tried the BPPC in an A1200 desktop, a seperate machine,

I have tried the installation of the stuff on the disk - and that
didn't seem to work either... :/

The A1200T is a rev. 1B
The A1200 desktop is a rev. 2B

Is my BlizPPC knackered??? ://

One interesting thing:

sometimes, okay a lot of the time when the BPPC is in the A1200T's acc.
edge connector (not the ateo pass thro') is that the screen is sometimes


Please please help, I'm totally fedup... :/

All the best,


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